Two words. Only Two. No More, No Less.
Can You Do This? Happy Friday! I'm going to keep this short, quick, and super easy. In one word, sum up 2016. Yes, only one! What is the one word (again, yes, only one!) you are envisioning for 2017? Now, don't keep it to yourself. Share your TWO words with me...your...
Overwhelm Killing Your Start?
How's Your Follow-Through? Happy Weekend! On Monday, I realized the correlation between a cookbook that had been sitting in my cupboard for over two years and follow-through, or lack thereof. I hopped on Facebook Live to share my revelation. You can watch the replay...
Hello December!
December, already? Wow! The last month of the year is upon us. We have 30 more days until 2017. To be completely honest, I started out my day feeling a bit bummed…not because it’s December, but because I realize there is only one month left in 2016, and I haven’t...
The No-Sale Black Friday/Cyber Monday Freebie!
The deal you can't say "No" to. Gratitude continues... Thanksgiving may be over, but the gratitude does not stop! I had every intention of sending Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales specials, but then after receiving well over 100 sales offerings and specials for...
Gratitude Out the Wazoo!
Happy Thanksgiving! What are you grateful for? While you think about it, I'll go first...I am so very grateful for YOU! Each time I sit down to write my blog, share a recipe, some inspiration, or a special offering, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude...
Quick, Nutritious, and Delicious Thanksgiving Swap
In the United States, we are gearing up for the Thanksgiving holiday in one week. This is when family and friends come together over turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and pumpkin pie. Oh wait, it's not about the meal, it's actually about giving gratitude and being thankful....
Making Peace With Uncertainty
I'm at a loss... I'm in a state of shock from the recent election. Don't worry, this is not another political post spewing rhetoric. I don't have it in me. I feel like I have a million words swirling around in my head, yet I can't quite formulate my thoughts. So for...
Halloween Hangover
Do you have a Halloween Hangover? The holiday season seems to get earlier and earlier every year, with Halloween being the kickoff. It begins the sugar-induced fog and sets us on the path to poorer health and self-destruction. We find ourselves raiding the kid's...
What Is Holding You Back?
Are You IN? The time is NOW. Clear Mind - Clean Body beta-test program. What are you waiting for? What is stopping you from saying, "Hell Yes!"? No really, I want to know. See, even if you don't want to be a part of the beta-test, then I want to know what is holding...
I Need Your Help, Please!
I'm conducting a brief survey about mom's and their health goals. I'm looking to get at least 100 responses for the survey and would love it if you would participate, and share with your other mom friends to take part too. The survey takes less than two minutes to...