I Need You To Know This. #Truth
What are you waiting for? I've shared with you about my upcoming webinar on Thursday, May 25th. What I haven't shared with you though, which is really important is that I'm not selling anything on the webinar. There is nothing to, zilch,...
It’s All About the Little Things
Go Little to Go Big Generally, it is the little things in life that have the greatest impact. We are confronted with numerous choices and decisions to make every single day, and one small choice that may seem inconsequential today could actually be the thing...
Are You Over It Yet?
Draw the line in the sand NOW! Have you tried every diet under the sun and then some, but can't seem to sustain it? Are you still waiting for your favorite pair of jeans at the back of your closet to fit? Are you fed up with dieting and not getting the...
Get Your Drink On!
Drink Up! You will never find me without a water bottle in hand. I will not leave home without it, and neither should you. As the temps outside are heating up, it's important to remember to stay hydrated and keep the liquids flowing. However, not all beverages are...
The Destination Is Irrelevant
Happy Friday! Do you spend a lot of time obsessing about the destination? This could be the literal destination, or it could also be a metaphorical destination, like achieving a goal you've set for yourself. Whether literal or not, the destination is practically...
Did You Miss Me?
I'm BACK!!! Maybe you didn't even realize I haven't posted a new blog during the last two weeks?!?! Whether you've been waiting with bated breath for my return, or it's news to you I was even gone, either I am! I am happy to report that I survived three...
Do You Know What Today Is?
Today is World Health Day! Do you value your health? I'm guessing your response is, "Of course I do." I want to believe that to be true, I really do. However, saying you value your health isn't the same as taking the necessary actions to protect your health....
If The Only Way You Nourish Yourself Is With Food, Then You Are Doing It Wrong!
There is more to nutrition than food... Hey there!!! I am still feeling energized as I'm coming off an amazing weekend with Tony Robbins, where I attended his Unleash the Power Within event. It was four days of intensity, breakthroughs, transformation, and pure...
Did You Miss My Exciting Announcement?
The Uprising This past Wednesday, March 8th, was International Women's Day. It was a day to celebrate all of the amazing and inspiring women in the world, and in your life. Given the political atmosphere as of late, there is an insurgence of sisterhood, of female...
This One Philosophy Could Change Your Life
The 'No Regrets' Philosophy My mom is in town visiting and we went to visit her aunt today, my great aunt. This woman is 94 years old, but you would never believe it. Up until a few years ago, she was still actively working in her business. She is one remarkable lady...