I Am A Woman Who…

I Am A Woman Who…

Last month, I had the pleasure of attending TedxOlympicBlvdWomen.       At the Tedx event, photographer Jill Valle was doing her, I AM A WOMAN WHO… project. Jill “uses portrait photography and confessional writing to explore the threads that connect...

Ride the wave – grief and joy

Ride the wave – grief and joy

Today is a day to celebrate. Today is a day that makes my heart ache. The ebb and flow of my emotions swirls like a rip current. I could panic and get caught up in the overwhelm of opposing emotions, but that would leave me stuck, treading dangerous waters that could...

Bye, Bye 30’s…hello 40! Bring it on!

Bye, Bye 30’s…hello 40! Bring it on!

Today is the last day in my 30’s. Tomorrow I turn 40! Yes, the big 4-0! Happy Birthday to me! Every year when my birthday rolls around (thankfully!), I’m usually caught in that dread of “Another year has gone by and what do I have to show for it?” Not that people are...

Grief is a Loaded Word.

Grief is a Loaded Word.

Grief. Defined as deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone’s death. But, wow, it is so much more than that simple definition. Seven years ago I entered into the depths of grief and lived the definition, unwillingly. It is heart and gut-wrenching despair that...

Imperfectly Perfect!

Imperfectly Perfect!

“Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.” John Wooden Perfection. I’ve let the fear of being less than perfect stand in my way too many times of going after what I want. Why is failure so difficult to accept? Being afraid to fail...

What’s New + Good?

What’s New + Good?

This is scary, but scary isn’t always bad… I’m challenging myself to new things and opening up myself to new possibilities and I couldn’t be more excited. Welcome to blog posting #1! There are a lot of exciting things happening in my life…creating a new business that...

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