One in Five People Are Doing This. Are You the One?
Are you actively trying to lose weight? If so, then you are the one out of five American adults. I came across this statistic in the Healthy Living section of a recent LA Times. "On any given day, just over one in five American adults are actively trying to lose...
I’ve Got Exciting News!!
BIG NEWS!!! Happy Friday!! This just in from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), where I graduated with my Health Coach Training Certification. This is incredibly exciting and is a huge step for the United States in the evolution of the healthcare system....
You’ve Got Questions. I Have Answers!
But first...I need to know the question. Happy Friday!! This is going to be super quick, because it's Friday, and you've got places to go, people to see, and there's no time for lengthy blog posts. Over the next few weeks, I'll be answering questions over on Facebook,...
This Is Not To Be Missed!! Your Health Depends On It.
Hello, February! Watch the three minute video below to learn what is so important and what you need to stop doing right now! If someone you know could benefit from this information, then please share with them. I would love to know what resonated with...
Are You Done?
Month One Is Almost Over Is your 2017 looking like you intended? How are those resolutions holding up? At this point, 90% of people have given up on their New Year’s resolutions. Are you one of them? What’s your reason? Not enough time, it’s too hard, I don’t...
What Do You Stand For?
It's Time. It's a very interesting day here in America. Don't worry, this is not a political post. I don't care about your political beliefs. What I care about is humanity and the goodness of people. I'm certain you do too, otherwise, please stop reading now. For the...
May I Count On You?
Will you help me, please? I don't know about you, but asking for help was never my strong suit. I wanted to think I could do it all by myself. If I was being honest with myself (and you too!), I suppose I viewed asking for help as a sign of weakness and imperfection....
Same Old, Same Old…Or, Something Different?
Hello, 2017! Happy New Year! I know it's a new year, I've been anticipating it for awhile now, yet I still find myself writing 2016. Tell me I'm not alone in this. As I scratch out the six and replace it with a seven, it makes me think about the ways in which...
Celebrate the Darkness
Goodbye 2016! Here you are, in the final hours of 2016. Take the time to reflect on this past year, but reflect in a different a celebratory way instead. You see, there is a tendency to focus on the things that didn't work or go your way - a failed career,...
The Gift of Receiving
'Tis the Season It's that time of year when you may find yourself in the overwhelm of gift-giving. My guess is you are great at giving. Giving is like second nature to you, and you don't question it often, because you're a giver. How are you at...