Do you know what day it was yesterday? Besides being your average Thursday, it was National Compliment Day! (Yes, there’s a “day” for everything!) Well, in my book, every single day should be national compliment day — and while you’re busy doling them out, be sure to give yourself a compliment too!
Seriously though…you are AMAZING!!! I would tell you that whether it’s National Compliment Day, or the day after. I think you are absolutely perfect, lovely, beautiful, awesome exactly the way you are. Trust me, I know these things, because my work as a coach enables me to see in you what you aren’t allowing to see in yourself.
I couldn’t wait another 364 days to tell you how fantastic you are. Here’s what I else I want you to know…I believe in you. I believe you have the ability to do what’s necessary to achieve your goals and to create the life you desire. If you want to eat healthier, exercise more, feel better about yourself, get a new job, find love, or whatever it is you want to do to improve your life, I believe you can do it.
This is your life. You are in the driver seat. You get to call the shots and create what YOU want. As the late, great poet, Mary Oliver said, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
be well. love mel.