My last and final message to you…
My last and final message to you for this year, of course! (I’m bringing this back out of the archives, because it is absolutely relevant right now.)
Here you are, in the final days of 2018. Before you look ahead to 2019, take time to reflect on this past year, but reflect from a different perspective…from the lens of celebration. You see, there is a tendency to focus on the things that didn’t work or go your way – a “failed” career, relationship, or weight loss goal, etc.
Maybe you swore you would go to the gym five days a week, but only made it there a handful of times. Perhaps you said 2018 would be the year you said goodbye to sugar for good, but only got as far as February before the chocolate hearts made their way to your belly. It could be your financial goals missed the mark. You get my point.
Not everything may have went your way in 2018, or as you had hoped, and focusing on the less than stellar is a trap that can hold you back. I know, you’re saying, “I swear I will do things differently in 2019.” The best way to do that? Don’t focus on the negative. Instead find the silver lining and the lessons learned from the things that didn’t work, so you have the awareness to do it differently moving forward.
It’s not about forgetting or pretending it never happened, but about looking for the lessons and the bright side too. Remember, there is always a lesson to be learned – a takeaway. (Side note: if this less than ideal circumstance happened more recently, then maybe hold off on reflecting. If the situation is too fresh in your mind, then it may not be the best time to look for the takeaway.) Give yourself the space to process all of it – the bad and the good.
Reflect back to look forward. Find the positive, even in the negative, and find the gratitude as well. Gratitude for what you learned and gratitude for what’s to come. Bring the lessons you learned into 2019, and make sure to celebrate all of the things that went so well in 2018. End the year on a high note, remembering all the great things that happened during this last year, and all the things that worked so well. Find the light, even in the darkness, and celebrate it!
A glimpse to page one of the gift…

I want to give you my process (that I shared in my Envision the Vision workshop) on reflecting and visioning. It is my gift to you as we close out 2018. Download the 5-page workbook here. Now, this workbook can stand on its own, but if you want full guided access on how to use it to best support your goals for 2019, then you can buy the replay of the Envision the Vision workshop here.
Take this gift and give yourself the space to reflect – in gratitude and celebration, and envision what you are bringing to you in 2019. Sending you all my love for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!
be well. love mel.