Yes, you have a choice!
You can design your life the way you want it, being proactive and creating what you want. Or…you can live by default in a reactive way, being unfulfilled by your current situation. When you live in a reactive state, you play the victim of circumstance, and end up blaming others or the environment for your situation. In a nutshell, making excuses and not taking responsibility.

On the other hand, when you are proactive, then you put yourself in the driver’s seat and give yourself the opportunity to play the victor, creating the roadmap for where you want to go. It all starts with one word: YES. Making a choice that will create what you want in life. Care to make that choice right now?
Join me on Thursday, December 20 for a live online workshop where you will design your life for an epic year ahead. In addition to the live workshop, I’ll be giving you a workbook that will enable you to dive even deeper, in reflection and preparation for what you are looking to create. You will leave the workshop with a clear vision of what you are looking to bring into your life in the next year – a life by design, not default.

(*Event will be recorded live, and recording sent following the event, if you cannot be there live.)
This online live workshop is being offered at a special price of $20.19, a savings of over 50%. Whether this will be your first vision board or you are a pro, this is the event that can shape your future. Don’t miss this special live workshop at this special price of $20.19, in honor of the year ahead!
There is power in the collective of a group working together on their visions. The choice is yours. Say, “Yes,” to a life by design!
be well. love mel.