Through Thick, Thin, and Broken Pipes.

Some signs are not to be ignored.
Why do we wait? Why do we rationalize? Why do we pretend nothing is wrong? Because it is really difficult to face the problems that are right in front of you. We can fix a surface issue, but in doing so, only exacerbate the bigger problems lying just below the surface that are boiling up, pressing up against the weakest parts of the infrastructure, until it can no longer handle the pressure. Then BOOM…crumbling, despair, destruction– an utter mess.
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My mom read the article and she said, “I’m really surprised you’re sharing this so publicly.” It’s not my norm, as I’m generally a private person, guarded, if you will. Writing this article was much easier than it was to share it. Why write about my personal life and share it so publicly? I do so for one reason. If I can inspire and/or empower just one person to take action, or change their approach, by learning from my experience, then the discomfort in sharing is worth it. We are all learning as we go.
I know now, which kept me from sharing earlier, there is no shame in this. I also know, I am not alone. There is someone else who is going through something similar, who is struggling in silence to come to terms with the state of their relationship…maybe it’s you, or someone you know. It’s important for me to share my message, as keeping it to myself serves absolutely no one, and I am here to serve…to serve you, to ignite transformation and empower you to live your best life. If you know someone who would benefit from this message, then please share and pass along.
The other thing I have learned along this journey is the importance of focusing on me. Not in a selfish way, but in terms of how putting myself last is detrimental to the state of every relationship and my health and wellbeing. You can’t give to others what you don’t give to yourself!
I’m so passionate about self-care and self-love that I’ve created a program devoted to it and you are receiving an exclusive invitation to join the Self-Love Revolution Group Program.
The Self-Love Revolution is a 6-week group coaching program designed to give you the tools and support you need to put you on the path to radical self-care, love, and appreciation.
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