Hint: Everyone Does It…
You Do It 24/7 Without Thinking About It!
Have you figured out what it is?
The number one thing you do every single day, without a single thought about it:
Now, not many people stop to think about this incredible bodily function and how smart our brains and bodies are to pump the blood through our veins to our heart, and the flow of oxygen going in and out of our lungs. Thank goodness it just happens and we don’t have to remember to make it happen.
Obviously, breathing is important for a multitude of reasons, most certainly for being alive, yet the breath has power beyond its most simplistic purpose. It can center and calm you in moments of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. Actually, there is not a single emotion I can think of which wouldn’t benefit from you taking a deep breath.
I’m not delusional, and I realize the breath is not the answer to all of your problems, but it is the beginning of the answer. When you start with taking a deep breath, and really focusing on breathing in and out, you are allowing yourself to be present in the moment, only focusing on your breath, and the peace that will ensue from even these few minutes will enable you to become more clear with whatever you are facing.
The next time you feel irritated that someone cut you off in traffic, or frustrated that technology is not on your side today, or feeling down about a project that didn’t go as planned — stop, take a few minutes and focus only on your breath, deep inhales and exhales. This simple, yet powerful tool is at your beck and call at any moment. You have the resources inside you to gain the calmness, and ease the stressors in your life.
Even though it is automatic, sometimes I need a reminder to JUST BREATHE. I feel so strongly about it, I even tattooed it on my wrist.
Now, I’m not suggesting you do the same, (unless you want to, of course!), but remember it is automatic to the extent your breath keeps you alive, but to tap further into this resource you have to be aware of how vital it is in times beyond the automatic. Use it to go beyond living, to thriving.
Seems pretty simple, right? Just breathe.
Have an amazing weekend!
P.S. Are you doing the Olympic Fitness Challenge with me during September? How’s it going? We are over a week in, and I am already feeling stronger. Come and join along, as it’s at your own time and pace. It can be done anywhere! A quick recap — 25 squats, 50 jumping jacks, 15 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, and 10 burpees. Go get it!!!