Simple Does Not Mean Easy
Generally speaking, the simplest things are usually the most difficult to do.
For example, remembering to breathe. Now, I get it, you don’t really need to remember to do it, as it’s an automatic thing your body knows how to do. However, when you are stressed out, overwhelmed and just down right mad, then purposefully remembering to breathe deeply is a simple and completely effective tool. Again though, simple does not mean easy. When you are in the midst of your moment, it’s not as simple to remember to use this tool that is readily available to calm you down and restore yourself to peace.
It’s like drinking more water, exercising more, or eating healthier. You know you should do it and your body would thank you if you did it, and it sounds so simple. Yet, somehow, as simple as it sounds to do, it’s not as easy, because it may be outside of your normal. You have ingrained in you a set of beliefs and habits, and unlearning these habits and reframing your beliefs is not as easy as it is simple.
I understand that it may not be easy to change your habits and belief patterns, but it doesn’t have to be difficult either. Read the rest of the article here.
“You know you should do it and your body would thank you if you did it.”
So what’s the disconnect between knowing and doing? The HOW. It always comes down to the how is it going to happen. I spend many hours getting lost in “the HOW” something is going to happen, and that becomes a dangerous place to be, because I get stuck, overwhelmed, and then guess what happens? Yep, you know it, absolutely nothing.
What if you could answer “the HOW” to being healthier? What would that be worth to you? It’s PRICELESS!

The how is given to you in the BE HEALTHY 28-Day Program. It is more than a program, it is an experience — transforming you from knowing you should be healthier into the person whose natural habit IS being healthy.
Remember, this is not a cookie-cutter program, this is a customized and tailored to you program to instill habits into you that will transform your life. The best part — you are not alone. There will be no question as to the how it’s going to happen, because once you register, the how is figured out and all that is required is you show up and take action — simple and basic action.
Act fast and register before August 18th, then you receive $100 off the cost of the program. Registration ends on August 25th, and the program starts on Monday, September 4th. Also, as a special BONUS, the first 10 people to register will get a FREE 30-minute coaching call with me!!!
Cheers to your health!!
Click below to REGISTER NOW! |