By title? Role? Label?

Who are you?


Do you get lost in the labels and titles that are used to define you? Be it parent, spouse, child, or job title. What happens when you tie your identity to something and then it seemingly goes away? Do you lose yourself in the process?

What I have found through my own journey in motherhood, and for the many women I speak with, is that they too, lose themselves in the role of mom. Rightfully so. It’s in our nature. What I believe in wholeheartedly, and is in part my mission, to empower you to come back to yourself, to honor the voice inside of you who knows you are more than any one identity label. It is only that, a label, partially defining the whole. It is time to step out of the fog of putting yourself on the “back burner” and step into YOU, and to begin caring for yourself like you do for others.

Several months ago, I was interviewed by Molly Ann Luna, another coach and wellness entrepreneur, for an episode of The Mindful Mamas Show. I am so excited to share the episode with you here, where I talk in further detail about how detrimental it is to honor yourself. Please click to watch the video below!



Now, yes, this may be geared towards mom’s, but in reality, this can be applied to anyone who has relationships with other people – be it personal or business related. I would be so grateful for you to give this episode a listen and share your thoughts with me.

I closed my e-mail with the following last week, and I’m keeping it in again, as I believe it’s worth repeating…What’s your vision for the remainder of 2016? Move forward with an intention to bring your vision to life. If you need support, ask for it. If you want accountability, tell someone what you are doing. If you need a coach, schedule a discovery call!

Here’s to you, glorious you, and all of your wonderful labels that define you. Remember, labels can be positive too!

Have a fantastic weekend! Thanks so much for watching the video interview!!



P.S. Are you ready to thrive in mind, body, and soul, living your best life? Let’s talk! Click the link to schedule a complimentary discovery call.

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