Today is World Health Day!


Do you value your health? I’m guessing your response is, “Of course I do.” I want to believe that to be true, I really do. However, saying you value your health isn’t the same as taking the necessary actions to protect your health. Most people don’t value their health until it’s taken from them, as they come from a reactive standpoint. Imagine how much healthier you could be if you proactively protected your health on the daily.

Your health is a very precious commodity. Do you treat it that way? How are you nourishing yourself? I’m not only talking about the food you eat or the exercise you do for your external body, but nourishment internally – of mind and soul. Emotional nourishment is critically important. Feeding your body with sugar and feeding your mind with negative thoughts are deadly. Your mental health needs to fed too, and nourished with kind, positive and stimulating thoughts.

Your mental health is so important, which is why the theme for World Health Day is Depression. The World Health Organization is leading a global one-year campaign on depression, to get those dealing with depression to seek and get help. More than 300 million people worldwide are now living with depression. I know how debilitating it can be to experience it, and it is so important to know for anyone struggling with depression that they are not alone and there is help.

I am going to challenge you today, on World Health Day (and everyday!), to nourish yourself in mind, body and soul. Are you up for the challenge? I know you are, because you value your health — physically and emotionally. If you are wondering how to feed yourself in mind, body and soul, then please comment below or e-mail me and let’s connect. I would be deeply honored to walk with you on this journey to thriving in optimal health. I honor you and your health.

Here’s to your health, inside and out.



P.S. I have opened up space in my calendar to chat further about your health goals. Schedule your complimentary discovery call today!

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