Today is the last day in my 30’s. Tomorrow I turn 40! Yes, the big 4-0! Happy Birthday to me!
Every year when my birthday rolls around (thankfully!), I’m usually caught in that dread of “Another year has gone by and what do I have to show for it?” Not that people are keeping track of what I’m doing per se, it’s more the pressure I put on myself to do and be more. In the past, I generally haven’t had too much excitement about the impending day or even wanting to celebrate it, but this year is different. I’m actually excited about my birthday, I will definitely be celebrating it, and I’m embracing the fact that I’m turning 40!!! Woohoo!
Maybe it’s because when I look back on this last year, I feel really good about it. 2014 was a great year! I don’t have the usual sense of good riddance to last year or worrying about what I didn’t do or accomplish, because during this last year, I did some introspection and I took some risks, which manifested in a greater sense of purpose. By far, it was one of the more challenging years for me with all that I had going on, but I know those challenges are what made it such a great year. Growth comes from challenging one’s self.
Maybe it’s the fact that at 40, I’ve finally figured out what I want to do with my life and it has left me feeling energized, invigorated, and more passionate. I refuse to spend any more time worrying about why it took me this long to figure it out, because not only is that futile, but I’ve also come to realize that everything happens at the time when it is supposed to happen. I took one step, one really scary step, which enabled me to step off the perpetual “hamster wheel” of life and it propelled me to realize my desires.
I’ve experienced a lot during this last year – ups and downs, losses and gains, old and new, but every single experience has served a purpose and has encouraged growth. I look back on this last year in my 30’s with a sense of pride and I look forward to what’s to come with so much excitement.
I feel empowered, I feel joy, I feel love, and above all, I feel incredibly grateful. I have immense gratitude for my family, my friends, the experiences I’ve had, and for this life, this beautiful life. Here’s to making my 40’s absolutely AMAZING!