And is your GPS on?
Happy New Year!!
I hope you had an excellent holiday season, and a wonderful start to 2018! With the new year comes time for reflection, as well as looking ahead with a renewed sense of hope, and optimism for what lies ahead. It’s exciting…if you are the driver.
Before I even entered my first yoga class of the new year, I already knew it would be ridiculously crowded. I know, you know, we all know why — resolutions! At the beginning of every single year, people set resolutions, declaring they are going to lose weight, exercise more, be better humans, go to yoga, etc.
January 3, my prediction rang true. We were packed in there like sardines, not a single inch to spare between yoga mats. As the weeks of the year move forward, I know that more space will open up and I’ll be able to stretch my arms wide apart without smacking my neighbor in the face. How do I know? Well, statistics, and also because most people are operating as the passenger and their GPS isn’t set.

Photo by: Brooklin Pictures
What do I mean? Well, I’m glad you asked. It leads me to the #HealthTip of the week — Intentional Action. For many people, the new year is a catalyst for new goals and/or a new direction. It doesn’t need to be January 1, or a Monday to get started, however, there is something to be said about the energy of the new year and using that to help catapult the shift.
One thing I do at the beginning of the new year, and encourage my clients to do as well, is to set an intention for the year ahead. An intention is a plan. A plan is great, but without action, a plan is going to go nowhere. So, I suggest an intention, and from that intention, choose two to three words that will be your guidance for the year ahead.
An intention puts you in the driver’s seat, and your three words become your inner GPS, guiding you in the direction of your plan. When presented with a fork in the road, your inner GPS, your guiding words, steer you in the direction most aligned with your intention, your plan. You are in the driver’s seat of your life, use your inner GPS words to position yourself for action that is aligned with your intention.
What is your intention for 2018? What are your inner GPS words? Comment below, if you’re inclined to share. I would love to know!
Here’s to an amazing year ahead, full of great things! It can all happen, if you are ready to get in the driver’s seat, take the wheel and go in the direction of your dreams, driven by your internal GPS.