Are you free on Tuesday?
You are invited to attend my free webinar, and I would love for you to join, participate, and bring your friends with you!! It is scheduled for next Tuesday, June 28th at 11:00 a.m. PST. Can’t be there live? Not to fret…there will be no FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), as I will send a recording.
What are we going to chat about? We’ll be chatting nutrition, balancing nutrients, eating healthy on the go, and how to feel your best. I’m going to let you in on a little secret — when you feel your best, then you look your best!
Last month, I shared with you about the new MySmartFoods line from USANA Health Sciences, and how it is formulated to give you a better daily balance of macronutrients to keep you fueled and energized throughout your day. While I had tried the products before, and loved them, I had yet to do the 7-day MySmartStart, and I knew before I shared it with others, I needed to give it a try. After having completed the seven days, I can now share with you how INCREDIBLE this MySmartStart Kit is, and how it can set you on the path to transforming your health for the better.
On Tuesday, I will dive deeper into what the MySmartStart Kit is and how it is unlike any other program, diet, detox, cleanse, etc., you may have ever tried. This is not a diet. This is not a cleanse, nor is it a detox. You can eat…real food. This is about creating a lifestyle, a healthy one.
My husband did the 7-day MySmartStart with me, although he was a bit skeptical going into it, and he was blown away by how good he felt, how easy it was, and how well it fit into his hectic work days, including meals out at restaurants. “This is something I could do long term.” “I feel so much better.” These are not made up, I did not pry these quotes out of him. The skeptic was won over, and not by me, but by how he good he felt during and after.
I would love for you to join me on Tuesday, as I share more about the MySmartStart Kit and the new programs I am launching. I am so excited for what’s to come and I would LOVE for you to be a part of this movement!!! So, even if you can’t make it on Tuesday, then sign-up, so the recording can be sent to you afterwards. If you know someone who may benefit, then I would be so appreciative of you sharing it with them.
Sign-up for the webinar using this link. I can’t wait to connect with you on Tuesday!
Enjoy your weekend!!!