Let me explain…
I had bronchitis. It almost pains me to even say it and admit it. Maybe that’s why I didn’t go to the doctor for (cough) six (cough) weeks. You see, I thought I was special. “It’s just a cough. It will go away on its own.” I kept saying this to myself and in my stubbornness, I kept rationalizing how it couldn’t be that bad. Sure, it was annoying, but I’m special. It won’t affect me in that way.
I’m not special. Neither are you.
We tend to think it won’t be like that for us, the circumstances are different for us, there will be another outcome, or the rules must apply to everyone else. Guess what? It simply isn’t so.
I’ll fill you in on a little secret. You know what? No one else is special either. We are not immune to the happenings of life. We may not have immunity, but you know what we all have? Resources, tools, and choices. If someone else has what you want in life, but you think it’s not possible for you because of (insert here whatever reason you could possibly tell yourself), you are only fooling yourself. That is only an excuse. They don’t have anything more special than you.
Now, I can’t end this thinking you aren’t special, Mel, because of course you are. You are special to me! I only want you to realize that when we think things are different for us and we allow it to hold us back (or keep us coughing for too long!), then we are limiting ourselves with unrealistic ideals, and there is nothing special about that.
What are you not doing because you think you must be special? Think about it, and I challenge you to take off your “I’m Special” hat, and approach whatever it may be from a new perspective. Comment below and let me know.