To dive in head first or to dip your toes in gently?

It’s a question we are faced with many times throughout our life. There does not need to be one clear choice. It’s dependent on the situation.

I’m not yet ready to dive in, but I want to test the waters. My heart is saying dive, my mind is saying dip. It’s not a battle though. Either one is a step forward, and that is what it is all about. Forward movement.

Water's edge

As I stand at the water’s edge, so close to the open sea, I reflect on where I’ve been and what has brought me to this point. I look in front of me and see an ocean of possibilities. I approach with caution, as the vastness and unknown of what is out there is scary. If I allow the stories of what might be out there to infiltrate my mind, I’ll be stuck in the sand, burrowing myself into a hole of needless worry.

“Worry is the interest paid in advance on a debt you may never owe.” – Unknown

Worry does not serve me. I release it. I’m no fool though, it will come back. It’s okay. It is all okay. I recognize why it’s there. I’ve allowed it to be there for so long, it thinks it belongs here because I’ve been so welcoming. No more. When it comes back, I’ll allow the clues of why it’s there, but then I will send it on its way again. Worry no longer serves me. It does not protect me. It does not shield me. It stifles me. I can let it go knowing it will come back, but instead of holding onto it, I will ride it out and release.

I stand in the sand awaiting that wave. The wave of opportunity.


If you are willing to get wet, then you need to move closer to the waves, to what you are seeking, and to what is seeking you. Are you open to it? You don’t have to be ready, you have to be willing. It’s okay to be afraid, but don’t let the fear bury you. Let the fear move you closer, let it push you to the edge…dip your toe in, go ahead, you can do it. Once your toes are wet, you may be ready to dive right in.

I’d love to hear from you. What can you release that is no longer serving you? What is one thing you can do to move you towards the dive or the dip?

With love and intention.




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