There is more to nutrition than food…


Hey there!!! I am still feeling energized as I’m coming off an amazing weekend with Tony Robbins, where I attended his Unleash the Power Within event. It was four days of intensity, breakthroughs, transformation, and pure energy. Yes, I even walked on FIRE!!!

I have so many take aways from the event, which I can’t wait to share with you. I go to these events and invest in personal development not only for myself, but especially so I can share with my community and my clients what I’ve learned. My growth becomes theirs and vice versa. An investment in yourself of course benefits you, but it benefits everyone you come in contact with too.

More to come about my weekend with Tony Robbins, but for now I want to share with you an exciting conversation I had yesterday, where I was the guest expert on Real Mom Daily. In that conversation, we talked about emotional nutrition, and ways to nourish yourself that have nothing to do with food. We’ve been taught that food is fuel, and it is to an extent, but it will only take us so far. There is so much more to nutrition than the food you eat. Check out the video below, and whether or not you are a mother or parent, this information most definitely still applies. I would love your feedback and if you feel called to, I would really love it if you would share it with your friends too.

As always, thank you so much for watching, reading, and being a supportive community. You all freaking rock and I love you!!!



P.S. I have opened up space in my calendar to chat further about your health goals. Schedule your complimentary discovery call today!

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